She just moved up to size 3 diapers. She is wearing 3 month pants. She can wear some 3 month and some 3-6 month tops. One pieces outfits are tricky. She can still fit into some 3 month pieces, but is starting to need 6 month outfits. She is tolerating her car seat much better. We put a toy bar on there, that has little froggies on it, and she loves that! She LOVES her swing. She also likes her activity mat, exer-saucer and bouncy seat. She likes to look at books and be read to. She tries to put everything in her mouth--her favorite thing is still her hands. She is starting to wiggle around a lot more when she is on the floor but hasn't figured out how to move just yet. She is sleeping in her own room. This one was tough for Mommy, but Gracie is doing great! She sleeps for 12 hours at night and usually just wakes up once to eat. So wonderful! She takes 3 naps a day. She is getting more hair, although it is still tough to see it in pictures and on the webcam. She stil...