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Showing posts from December, 2008

Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas.

For a child has been born—for us!    the gift of a son—for us! He'll take over    the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counselor,    Strong God, Eternal Father,    Prince of Wholeness. Isaiah 9:6 (The Message)

2 Months.

A Very Belated T-Day Recap.

Since we are putting up Christmas decorations, I thought I should post about Thanksgiving. =) We started with a yummy breakfast:   We watched the parade and football while Daddy made dinner. We had turkey breast, mashed potaoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie. It was awesome.   Gracie wore her turkey shirt. =)   After dinner we watched Wall-E. It was a great day. =)

Gracie says...

...go Steelers! You can win the division today.

Marathon Post.

Let's play a little bloggy catch-up: Gracie was seven weeks old on Monday. WOW. She weighs 10 pounds 1 ounce. They have diagnosed her with colic and possibly reflux . UGH. She is taking Zantac. She finally likes her bouncy seat. She still hates her car seat, but tolerates it if we give her a pacifier . She is wearing 0-3 month onesis and newborn pants. She has a milk protein allergy so Mommy working to cut dairy out of her diet. It. is. hard. I need mashed potatoes. She loves it when she gets her hands in her mouth. Mommy and Daddy cannot remember what it feels like to sleep at night. Gracie likes to eat at night. I am over so over this. Last night I slept 2 hours in a row and it felt amazing. I fall asleep while sitting up feeding her. Scary. She likes Taylor Swift , especially the fast songs. And, some recent photos: