- Have you heard of Playlist? It is a fun site that allows you to build a free playlist of music that you can listen to on your computer. The selection of music is pretty varied. I added music to mine last night and am enjoying it.
- If you are on FaceBook and you haven't checked out Farm Town you must do so. It is one of the only applications I have really gotten into and I love it. You get to manage your own farm and it is just so cool. Just be sure to go back and check on your crops after you plant them. I was pretty bad at remembering that when I first started. It is probably a good thing that I am not in charge to growing food for people.
- A few photos:
We are engaged in a little Babywise boot-camp at our house. Gracie's sleeping has gotten pretty bad and we have to do something. So, we are cracking down on her. It is not easy. Listening to her cry is just about the wost thing ever. I have been following the eat-play-sleep cycle from Babywise , but not much else. I have been putting her to sleep, while she listens to the vacuum cleaner or the stove fan. She is so used to napping on me that she won't sleep in her bed during the day. So, I end up holding her for nap-time so that she will actually take a nap. She does okay in her bed at night, most of the time. In the past week she has been up twice for 2-hour stretches in the middle of the night. As much as I love her, this isn't Mommy's favorite time to hang out with Gracie. It has become quite a struggle to get her to go to sleep and stay asleep. We are experiencing too many evenings of Gracie crying because she is up too late and can't fall asleep. Last nig...
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