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The Simple Woman's Daybook: Wednesday ~ 2.24.10

Outside my window: Sunshine! It is cooler and a little windy, but the sun is out!
I am thinking: How proud I am of Gracie for doing so well while we ran errands this morning. She doesn't like getting in and out of her carseat, repeatedly.
I am thankful for: Gracie sleeping thru the night last night. The teething hit her hard yesterday, and the night before, but today she is doing much better. The Hubby comes home on Friday evening! We have missed having our favorite guy around here.
From the kitchen: Sadly, not much. I haven't been very motivated or inspired to cook while the hubby is gone.
I am wearing: Now that we are home, a rose colored maternity t-shirt and flannel pj bottoms. While we were out, a rose colored maternity t-shirt, jeans, and a beige zip up sweater.
I am creating: Thinking a lot about finishing up Gracie's first year album. I did get a large amount of photos ordered for this project.
I am going: No where else today. This morning: library, gas station, store, WIC appt.
I am reading: She's in a Better Place by Angela Hunt.
I am hoping: That Friday evening comes quickly and that the next two days are smooth.
I am hearing: The quietness of naptime. A little TV on for Momma.
Around the house: Books for Gracie.
One of my favorite things:  Watching Gracie read books and build with blocks/Legos.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Doctor appt tomorrow and Hip-Hop-Bouncin'-House on Friday morning.
From my picture journal: 4th of July 2009. Amazing how much Gracie has changed!


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