We had a really nice Father's Day. We gave Nate his gift on Saturday evening. It was a
CD he had already picked out. We had plans to drive to Seattle on Sunday, so we gave him the CD the night before. Gracie was very helpful when it came to opening the gift. =)

She loves tissue paper!

Kitty likes to help, too.

We gave him a photo card, too.

She was being very silly on Sunday morning.

Silly, silly girl. =)

Sissy and Momma, getting ready to try and take a photo of all 4 of us!

Our first photo of all 4 of us together. I am not sure why we didn't do this before!

Gracie being silly, again. The girls are wearing matching outfits, but it is difficult to see that in the photo. It is hard to get a photo of them together since they are so small.

Sissy hanging out after we got back from Seattle.
We went to Seattle to meet up with Nate's brother and his family. Nate's mom was here last week and now she is spending this week with their family. It was a long day, but the girls did really well in the car. Allie usually does great; the motion puts her to sleep. Gracie does not sleep in the car. She did really good on this trip, which was a huge blessing. When we got home, we ordered
pizza for dinner and hung out. The only thing that might have made it better was some sunshine--it was
cold and raining.
Here's what we were doing last year:
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