At 7 months, Allie:
- weighs a little over 20 pounds.
- is wearing size 3 diapers.
- is wearing 6-9 months clothing--mostly 9 month.
- has beautiful light brown hair and big blue eyes.
- easily rolls both directions but has no interest in rolling across the room.
- can push up into a crawling position and wiggle her bottom.
- LOVES Gracie.
- enjoys taking a bath in the big tub. She loves to splash and kick.
- favorite foods are squash and pears. She also eats peas, applesauce, carrots and peaches.
- does not have any teeth yet.
- is still quite mellow but she will cry if you take something from her that she really likes.
- loves books, Gracie's car and bike, and the exer-saucer.
- puts everything in her mouth.
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