Hey. Over here. It's Gracie. I am not exactly sure who you are, but I hear Mommy and Daddy talking about you, and you team, a lot. Daddy keeps saying, "Don't make any mistakes." "Don't throw any interceptions." What does that mean? They seem pretty serious. They keep dressing me in these shirts and saying how cute I am. I am cute, so I guess they aren't completely crazy.
They've been watching you on TV a lot. You must have done something good because they are really excited. They keep talking about the Superbowl. Then, Mommy starts talking about snacks. Daddy starts talking about interceptions again. They want you to do a good job. Don't mess up. They might lose it. Do you see my serious face up there?
Here it is again. I know I am a bit blurry, but you get the idea. Don't make me come over there and scream at you. I can do it, too, just ask Mommy. I don't know what Florida is, but I can ask someone.
Yep. I could get there no problem. Don't make me do that. Just practice really hard this week. Oh, and tell Hines Ward that I really hope he is feeling better. Mommy is pretty nervous that we won't be able to play. Daddy says it will be alright, but I am not sure. She gets pretty worked up.
Try and keep it together. Good luck on Sunday!
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