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6 Months.


Dear Gracie-

I amazed that you are 6 months old today! Time is passing very quickly and I am trying to enjoy each moment. I am thankful that I get to be at home with you every day. You are learning and discovering new things all the time and it is amazing to watch the world unfold before your eyes.

Life seems to get easier and richer every day. The first few months were challenging as we got to know each other. You have always been a pretty laid-back baby, but there were some tough moments. 3-1/2 months seemed to be the "magic" age where things really came together. Life got much easier at this point. Around this time, we made the decision to put you in your own room and let you cry yourself to sleep. This was not an easy decision, but it is one with a high pay-off. Listening to you cry yourself to sleep was one of the hardest things I have ever done. But, within a few days things got easier and by the end of the first week you were sleeping really well.

You love your swing and your activity mat. Your bouncy seat was a favorite for a long time but you haven't shown the same enthusiam for it it lately. Toys with plastic rings on them are some of your favorites. You are obsessed with putting things in your mouth--fabric is your favorite. During your awake time, you are quite often content to lay on the floor and play with your toys. You talk to them, and me, quite frequently. You are rolling over really well (both directions) and are starting to roll to get to your toys. You are becoming much more aware of things around you and have started to lunge towards objects. The remote control is a new favorite this week. You get very excited whenever you see it and try your best to get to it. As with most things, your stongest desire is to get it into your mouth! You are still obessed with trying to eat the webcam as well. You are also becoming more aware of your feet and like to put those in your mouth. You have loved your hands since the beginning and still love to put them in your mouth. You chew on your fingers a lot.

You love to eat. You are still nursing and aren't the least bit interested in a bottle or a sippy cup. We started you on rice cereal right before you turned 5 months old. By the end of the first feeding, you were a pro! We have since tried applesauce, sweet potatoes and yams. Sweet potatoes are definitely your favorite. You also love to blow raspberries while you eat. It is quite the messy affair and Daddy laughs b/c he thinks I taught you to spit. I keep telling him that all babies learn how to blow raspberries but I don't think I have him convinced.

You are healthy girl. We fought through acid reflux and a milk allergy in the early months. God was faithful to heal you and you have done amazingly well ever since. We haven't taken you to the doctor much except for your well baby check-ups. The shots are the worst part of those visits. We bring Daddy along to keep Mommy from crying. I hate looking at your sweet face, completely content, knowing that you will soon cry b/c of the shots. As with most things, you handle them like a champ; you always recover quickly. You cut your first tooth at 4 months and your second a few weeks later. Those teeth popped through quick and you did not fuss much at all. I hope teething continues to be very easy for you.

We took you to Oklahoma last week and you get the best baby travel award. We have a long drive to the airport, so you spent some time in the car before we ever arrived at the airport. The first leg of our flight was several hours and you did amazing. You nursed and played and slept on the plane. We had a short layover and you were thrilled to lay on the floor and kick your arms and legs. Our second flight was very quick and you handled that one beautifully also. It was almost midnight when we walked down to baggage claim and GPA was thrilled to see that you were wide awake and smiling. You met lots of cousins and several aunts and uncles during our time in OKC. Your normal, day-to-day routine quickly went out the window with all of our activities. We were amazed at how well you handled everything. You were the star of the show. GMA and GPA loved every minute of having you at their house.

You are a friendly baby and love to watch people. You are currently obesessed with watching Daddy. You turn as soon as you hear his voice. Lately he can't even talk to me while you are nursing b/c you will quit eating and turn to look at him. I hope the relationship between the two of you continues to deepen as you grow--he loves you so much, Baby Girl.

Daddy and I are so thankful you have come into our lives. We waited a long time for you and you have truly enriched our lives. We love you, Sweet Girlie!







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