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15 Months.

Gracie at 15 months:

  • weighs a little over 23 pounds.
  • loves milk out of her sippy cup.
  • is starting to feed herself more and more. This is quite the messy process and she loves it.
  • loves peanut butter, oatmeal, Nutri-Grain bars, Cheez-Its, Cherrios, mac and cheese (probably the favorite) and jelly. She would probably eat almost anything if it had jelly on it.
  • will not eat meat and does not like cut up fruits and veggies, only pueered ones.
  • books, stuffed animals, Little People and legos are some of her favorite toys right now. She also loves her bike and her bus that she got for Christmas.
  • teeth! She has the 4 top front and bottom and at least 2 molars on the bottom.
  • loves music and loves to dance. She could care less about TV but the girl loves her tunes.
  • loves to talk to GMA and GPA on the webcam. She brings things over to the camera to show them.
  • is saying more words all the time. Mama, Dada, Nana, Papa, dirt, bye-bye, baby,and more are heard often. She contines to amaze us with the words that she will repeat.
  • when you ask her to give you a kiss, she turns her head to the side for you to kiss her. At least she is starting to catch on! She still likes to blow kisses as well.
  • still loves Daddy. He is a rockstar.
  • sleeps with 4 stuffed animals: Purple (her lion), a kitty, a puppy and a purple lepoard we have named Leo and a little blanket square. Puppy seems to be the favorite as he is still in the crib long after she has thrown the rest overboard.
  • she is generally a very happy girl but we are starting to see more of the toddler tempermant coming out. It is certainly challenging when she stands there screaming at you, but overall she is a lot of fun to be with.
  • LOVES the kitties, much to their dismay.
  • loves to brush her hair and is generally fascinated with anyone else's hair as well.
  • loves bath time but still hates to have her hair washed. As I am the primary bath-giver around her, she won't let anyone else give her a bath.
  • loves Auntie and gets very excited when she comes over.



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