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Gracie's First Haircut.

I posted the video of Gracie getting her haircut but I never posted the photos. Earlier this month, we finally decided to take her in for a little haircut. She was developing quite the baby mullet. We hoped it would look a lot better if we got the back trimmed.

I was getting my haircut at the Nex Salon and was chatting with the gal about Gracie's baby mullet. I told her I was pretty sure I was going to trim the back. She said they do first haircuts for free. Sold!

So, the next morning we took her over there. She wanted to take Lamby with her. She did so good! She sat in the big chair and she wore the cape. We asked her to cut Gracie's hair dry since she HATES to get her hair washed. I was concerned that was would freak out and that would be the end of the haircut.

She just trimmed the back. It is nice and even and it looks so cute! Gracie sat still the entire time and did not get upset once. We were amazed at how well she did. She watched everything but stayed really calm.

When it was over they gave us a little certificate and a bit of hair to keep.


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