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Showing posts from October, 2009

One year later.

Harvest Party 2008 and Harvest Party 2009.

1 year.

 SHE: loves milk in her sippy cup. is wearing 12 month, and a little 18 month, clothing. loves her shoes. She will bring them to us to put on her. She prefers soft soled shoes like Pedipeds and Roobez. loves dry cereal. Golden Grahams are a new favorite. is walking everywhere and is getting fast. is still a good eater but is getting more picky. weighs a little over 20 pounds. says mama, dada and no. points to her hair and her toes when you ask here where they are. loves books. She will sit and look at them and bring them to us to read to her. loves her Leap Frog table and Little People. loves to play in her room. will sleep through the night but has been waking up some due to teething. is very smart and very sweet.

Gracie's 1st Birthday Party.



has a big girl car seat. loves to play with Daddy. Seriously.