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Showing posts from February, 2012


Wearing Auntie's t-shirt after a bath; she loved it and insisted on sleeping in it. She is getting so big but in this photo I still see a little bit of baby in her. I love baby feet. And, baby hands. Love.


(click for larger image.) Some recent photos: Allie Joy. Gracie getting her nails done. She LOVES nail-polish. Allie in her new OSU t-shirt from Aunt Lisa. Allie at the table. Allie with a 5-Guys burger. That girls LOVES hamburgers. Painting Gracie's nails. Again. Gracie stares at...the wall? Seriously. No clue. (click for larger image.) Gracie was super excited that it snowed recently. (We got about 1.5 inches and it melted by the next day. Perfect.) We were also super excited that Daddy was here to go play in the snow with her. They went outside three times. Daddy had to drag her inside to warm up and take a break. She has been talking about the snow ever since. Allie hated the snow and talked about it melting.


  I tried to take a picture of her at lunch today, to text to Daddy, and this is the face she made.


We had a ton of fun at Chick-fil-A this evening. We met up with Auntie, Aunt Nette and Aunt Lisa. (Aunt Nette's church was having a fundraiser night.) Gracie LOVED the cow and Allie was terrified. She kept saying "no touch me!" and patting her chest. Aunt Nette had to hug her every time the cow walked near our table. Gracie was really excited and she wanted to have her picture taken with the cow. (She is now asking constantly when the cow is going to be there again.) Both girls enjoyed playing in the play area after we ate. Allie climbed up and went down the slide over and over--this was the first time she really played. It was a great evening!


was scrap-booking with me this afternoon.


We had lunch at Qdoa this afternoon. It was SO yummy. It took forever to convince Allie to try her quesadilla. Once she did, we couldn't get it away from her.

Enjoying the new train table.


Outdoor fun.

Fun with the new game. She was obsessed with the water cups. I will so touch your stuff whenever I please. She looks like she should be in a field of flowers. =) The girls love to play outside while I grill dinner. They were super excited to have Daddy here to play outside with them. They had a lot of fun with the little game we found at the thrift store. Allie was really proud of herself when she drug her Buzz couch out onto the deck. =)

Fun at Krispy Kreme.