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Showing posts from September, 2010


I found matching jammies for the girlies. We finally put them on the girls last night and I was able to get a few photos this morning.


Gracie at 5 months (16 pounds 9.8 ounces {75-90%} & 24 6/8 inches {25-50%}. Stats taken on 3.31.09): Allison at 5 months (17 pounds 14.2 ounces {95-97%} & 26.22 inches {90%}. Stats taken 5.1.10):

5 Months.

Our sweet Allie-Girl is 5 months! Wow. She is super sweet and super mellow. She is finally sleeping a little better. She is only getting up once at night most of the time. She can easily roll from her back to her tummy. She gets stuck on her tummy so hopefully she will quickly learn how to roll back onto her back. Since she can roll over, she likes to roll to her tummy and sleep that way. She likes rice cereal but is quite a messy eater. She weighs 17 pounds 14.2 ounces (95-97 th %). She is 26.22 inches long (90%). Her head circumference is 16.5 inches (25-50%). She is in the 90 th percentile for height and weight. She gets very chatty when she is tired. She loves her b ig sister. Gracie wore this same outfit for her 5 months photo. Go here to see the pics .   I finally wrote about Gracie at 21 months. Go here to read about it.