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Showing posts from November, 2010

7 Months.

At 7 months, Allie: weighs a little over 20 pounds. is wearing size 3 diapers. is wearing 6-9 months clothing--mostly 9 month. has beautiful light brown hair and big blue eyes. easily rolls both directions but has no interest in rolling across the room. can push up into a crawling position and wiggle her bottom. LOVES Gracie. enjoys taking a bath in the big tub. She loves to splash and kick. favorite foods are squash and pears. She also eats peas, applesauce, carrots and peaches.  does not have any teeth yet. is still quite mellow but she will cry if you take something from her that she really likes.  loves books, Gracie's car and bike, and the exer-saucer. puts everything in her mouth. 


Two bonus photos from Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sissy and the car.

Gracie got this car for her birthday and has had a lot of fun playing with it. She has also been really good at sharing it with Sissy. Sissy loves this car. She gets excited when she sees it and she cries when we take her out of it. (She is a calm baby, but she is starting to cry when things get taken away from her.) She usually does a really good job of holding the steering wheel; this girl has quite a grip. She gets excited and pushes her feet and jumps up and down. And, inevitably, she falls down and ends up underneath the car. Thankfully, it just makes her angry and doesn't harm her.

Sunday Morning.

We had a few minutes to take some photos before church this morning: Gracie likes to step in front of the camera and say, "Take my picture!". "This is my cup, Sissy!" Hmmm,, I could probably get my hands on that cup again.