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Showing posts from July, 2011


photo taken at Seaport Village.

The Outlets.

Aunt Nette and I took the kids to the outlet mall this morning. There was a great play structure there and the girlies had a lot of playing. Gracie even went down the tall, twisty red slide!

Beach Fun.

The beach. Allie and Aunt Nette in the water. Making sandcastles for The Backyardigans .

Sunday Morning.




Our first time painting was a lot of fun.

Her new favorite game...

...climbing into containers.

New Dress.

photos taken in her favorite chair.

Fun with Chalk.


Pure Joy.

She loves it when Daddy puts her in the front seat and turns on the A/C.


She does really well with them, as long as we can keep them out of her mouth.


We love Target ; maybe a little too much?

She loves...

...stretchy headbands and crayons.