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Showing posts from February, 2011

Big Girl Bed.

We finally moved Gracie into a toddler bed. We were originally going to convert her crib into a toddler bed but I was very concerned about her jumping on the bed. She loves to jump in her crib. I didn't think she would understand the danger of jumping on the bed with one side missing! Also, the toddler bed version of her crib is a little high off the ground and she is (thankfully) the world's worst climber. So, we went ahead and got her a toddler bed. We found Toy Story 3 bedding, so she calls her bed "my Buzz bed.


It is fun when they play (nicely) together:


We walked around the mall this morning and Gracie enjoyed playing with this giant chess set:

Scrappy Pages.

I still need to locate all my scrappy stuff so I can start scrapping again; here are some pages I made before we moved.


Gracie was really excited about this car when she saw it at Target. She isn't as crazy about it now that she has heard the noise it makes. (It is motorized; it is not very loud but she is very sensitive to noise.) Sissy LOVES this car. She can hold her hand over the button and "drive" the car. She is so precious! And, a little video of Sissy driving the car. Best video EVER. =)  


We have been looking for a little table for Gracie for quite some time. We finally found this super cute table at Ikea. I am so glad that it isn't plastic, covered in princesses and will last for a while. We had to wedge Sissy in between the chair and the table so she wouldn't fall off the chair:

Daddy T-Shirts.

I found these cute I Love Daddy t-shirts at WalMart right before we flew to San Diego. The girls wore them on the plane and were oh-so-cute. Gracie loved this little activity table in the Phoenix airport:


Right before we left OKC, Gracie got a haircut. This was her 3rd haircut. This time, the sides were long enough for a trim so we are finally getting a little shape to her hair. The goal is a chin length bob, with bangs. She isn't a fan of having her hair washed or brushed, so long hair is not for her right now. She doesn't always like to wear a barrette, so the bangs work well, too. I am glad we have had her hair trimmed and stayed away from the baby mullet. Here are some photos of the haircut: After, chocolate ice cream: