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Gracie at 18 months.

It is amazing that Gracie is 18 months old! Her personality is becoming more defined every day. This has been exciting and challenging for us! At 18 months, Gracie:
  • is talking a lot. She is repeating new words every day. She is also starting to put words together. Her first sentence was "I do it!"

  • is in okay eater. She likes mac and cheese, cereal with milk, ice cream, oatmeal, peanut butter, donuts, pancakes, corn, yogurt and french fries. Sometimes she will taste new foods, but she usually sticks to the basics.

  • loves Daddy. Seriously.

  • is obsessed with milk. She would drink it all day long if we let her. She will also drink water. She is not a fan of juice.

  • has started to enjoy playing outside. She likes to explore the backyard and play in her swing. She also likes the park. We usually have to drag her back into the house. When we open the screen door to come inside, she pushes it closed. She is a strong girl.

  • freaks out about loud noises. She is terrified of the vacuum cleaner and the hair dryer. This makes like very interesting and has done nothing to improve the condition of Mommy's hair on a daily basis.

  • is wearing 18 month and 24 month clothing. She is wearing size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 diapers at night.

  • is a good sleeper but does not like to go to bed. We are holding firm and making her go to bed. It is quite tough when she hangs on to me and cries "up! up!". She is averaging 13 hours at night and 3 hours for her afternoon nap.

  • loves her white Pedipeds.

  • loves blocks, books, sunglasses, her hat and her shoes. She doesn't like wearing socks.

  • is developing more of an interest in TV. She loves the Cosby show. Her favorite part is the opening segment where they dance. She has learned some serious moves. She is also starting to like Veggie Tales. She still loves music, as well.

  • loves to take a bath but still hates having her hair washed.

  • does not like to get her diaper changed. It is a combat maneuver to get her to stay still long enough to get the diaper on. Dressing her is not an easy job either. She does not like to sit still.

  • is a big sister. =)


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