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May Highlights

Hanging out on the big bed.

Dedicating Allie at church. Making fashion statements when we play in the backyard. Discovering stickers.
Wearing lots of bibs and stealing Momma's water bottle.
Turning one month.
Discovering the backyard.
Hanging out on our tummy.
Celebrating Nana's birthday.

Silly fun with Daddy.
Getting a new baby.
Baby wearing.
Naps on the dining room table.
Time with Daddy.
Mother's Day as a momma to two girls!
Holding Sissy.
Peanut butter with a fork.
Taking our shoes off while swinging.
Learning about sidewalk chalk!
Time at the park.
Hanging out in the sling at the beach.
The beach!
Trying chicken enchiliadas.
Toll House pie.
Time outside while Momma grills dinner.
Happy Meal.
Wearing a Winnie-the-Pooh hat.

Hanging out in the Snugli while grilling.


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